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tv   Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner  FOXNEWSW  March 10, 2020 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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so hopefully we will put politics aside on capitol hill and talk about the measure is no doubt a different opinion how to respond. hopefully, they can come together and we came together on the couch. we are back here on the couch at 12:00 eastern tomorrow but for now i kick it over to harris faulkner into "outnumbered overtime." >> harris: and we will continue now with the president trump arriving on capitol hill moments ago to meet with some senate republicans. senate policy lunch they are having as they are set to talk about proposals to boost the economy and the coronavirus or covid-19 prep. this is "outnumbered overtime." i'm harris faulkner. let's look at the big number with stocks. a bit healthier today and up 216 so they have shed a little bit of a company back since the last hour but still very much in the green after a fierce sell of. president trump signaled he will announce a payroll tax cut later today. this comes as the market was hit
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hard by peers over the fallout for u.s. companies, people selling homes and so on and so forth. here is the president from last night. >> we are a very strong economy but this blindsided the world, and i think we have handled it very, very well. i think they've done a great job. the people behind me have done a great job. >> harris: democrats are planning to introduce a stimulus plan of their own and they are accusing the president of doing wall street's bidding. watch. >> the president seemed to be focused more on the stock market than on that pandemic but unless you deal with a pandemic, the stock market will keep getting worse and worse and worse. >> we are worried about the dow jones than the jones family. in the here and now. >> harris: chief white house correspondent john roberts outside of the white house with the latest, john. >> harris, good afternoon. you showed a moment ago and
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president trump arriving on capitol hill with treasury secretary and chief economic advisor larry kudlow as he meets with republican senators and the g.o.p. policy lunch. some of what the president will be talking about include the following. the possible payroll tax cut and i'm told by senior administration official that this could include full exclusion. we could put the bullet points up on the screen so you can follow along. full exclusion of the 6.2 payroll tax cut that americans pay every week. for some reason, that is not up there. i don't know why. that would mean they would be complete payroll tax cut holiday for a period of time for americans. the president also talking about extending paid leave and loans to small businesses, and then tax relief for the industry's hardest hit by this. that can include airlines, cruise the gnomic ship companies as well. the president talked a short time ago at the white house. listen here. >> we are working closely with the cruise line industry, very,
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very closely. they are taking strong steps in terms of people going on and going off. likewise with the airline industry, they are taking strong steps for people coming in to our country and even getting off of the planes. so we are working very closely with them. we are helping them. and we will be helping them through this patch. so far, i think it's been going very well. >> the president who made those comments, he and the vice president met with health care ceos. one of the big concerns for americans, of course the coronavirus, the cost associated with testing and care. the vice president saying this morning the ceos of the health care insurance industry are willing to pitch in and help. listen here. >> all the insurance companies here today or before today have agreed to waive all co-pays on coronavirus testing and extend coverage for coronavirus treatment and all of their benefits plans. >> that would include
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telemedicine as well for people who can't get out of the house. a no surprise billing when it comes to the coronavirus. harris, we have the daily coronavirus briefing led by the president at 5:30 and they will wrap it all up and what will be a nice, neat little package and the latest where the administration is approaching this from now, many, many different angles, here is. >> harris: john roberts thank you very much. i want to bring in ari fleischer, former press secretary and fox news contributor, i lean on you today for what should the message be from the white house to american companies and workers at this point? >> it always has to be two parts, assurance of people don't go too far and think the worse it's going to happen when it's not. and two, absolute realism. people want to be leveled with. they want to be told how dangerous is it, how safe is my family, what do i need to do? those are the two things the administration must do each and every single day. >> harris: and do you think
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that has happened to this point? >> i do. his criticisms that the president is getting, he's getting it because he is president trump here that is why they are piling on. i think any president would be going through a very difficult period when the facts are like they are in this case. the only criticism i have is i think the president got stuck in india one day too late. if he had come back one day earlier, i think he would have been ahead of the storm that all of a sudden gathered. it was a day and the official said cdc, it is not a question if but when. that alarmed everyone and lunch us where we are today. >> harris: that is interesting. i haven't exactly heard but maybe i missed it, many people talking about this, there was a point in time that you saw the message needed to shift. and so, where are we going now with this? we get this 5:00 p.m. daily briefing now or at least that is starting to pick up, some regularity. but what kind of messaging with what regularity needs to come?
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and from whom? do we need as many voices telling us things? >> the problem is fear and the problem is confidence. those worries that people have come of are driven really by what they are hearing, what they are seeing, what is on social media. so it is the responsibility of the president and all the experts around it with daily and they are vast experts to address the confidence and the peer questions. that means calm, realistic, accurate expressions from the white house. that means the president to send the broadest signal of reassurance and the experts to talk on a level of exactly what is happening. this will start to reverse when science gets a hold of it. that is the difficult part, here is. you don't know how long that is until the medicine works. the vaccine comes in next year. but between now and then come at the science will have a lot to do with it and so will time in
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nature. these things peter out and we hope it peters out fast. >> harris: all right, we will move on. almost everything going on it is easy to forget it is a mini tuesday with 9% of the delegate count up for grabs. in six states. bernie sanders is wrapping up his attacks on joe biden as he faces immense pressure today, ari to do well in tonight's many super tuesday as voters are headed to the polls. sanders is tying biden to wall street. let's watch and i will get your reaction. >> the difference between joe biden and myself is that joe bailed out the crooks on wall street who nearly destroyed our economy 12 years ago. >> harris: ari? >> and democratic primary, that is good read rick. i hate this language about crooks and characterizing the american people as crooks, but in the terms of what biden, i mean bernie needs to do to biden and win, that is the right message. bernie does not have a good night tonight, he's not dead, but he's definitely
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wounded. and he's already limping. that is the amazing thing about this biden come back. it's not over for bernie, but he needs a good night tonight. >> harris: you know one thing that confuses me and i know you are on the other side of the political aisle, but i heard you talk about strategy so many times that i'm sure you have a thought on it. what is best for a political party and it doesn't have to be democrat. what is best? the president talks about shutting bernie down, how unhealthy is that? how much chaos does that cause? >> well, it depends on how close the election is. biden cleans his clock tonight commit is meaningless and the democratic party rallies behind biden and it doesn't matter. why bernie lost. bernie lost and bernie lost a lot. if you go into a close election where they are fighting tooth and nail for every delegates, yeah, that kind of stirring the pot can be very effective because a lot of people would think that is happening to bernie. so harris, gets down to a strategic question to margins,
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how close is it? >> harris: i want to scoot to this role quickly. let's hear from president obama releasing a video for defending the affordable care act as we approach the 10-year anniversa anniversary. >> the republicans will keep trying both in congress and in the courts to rip away the care that millions of americans rely on and to raise cost for millions more. so even as we celebrate, we commit ourselves to protecting the progress we have made. >> harris: ari? >> yeah, you know, in hindsight and you just call it obamacare now, people tend to look at it and democrats do nostalgically and say that is good health care. they forget about all the multiple problems, you can't keep your doctor, your insurance company, the web page crash days weeks. people forget about those problems and it becomes oh, yeah, obama did it, we liked it commit his health care. the truth is such more complicated than this.
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obamacare today should have been repealed the first year when it took to congress and it failed to do it. i still think it is a black mark on republicans. >> harris: all right come ari fleischer come i you so much. good to see you today. we will talk to you soon. joe biden giving notably shorter speeches on the campaign trail. and if that's not meant to avoid gaps, it did not stop him from getting into a heated conversation with voters this time over guns. you will see it next. and the military getting involved in coronavirus response for the very first time in the united states has new york's governor announced the containment zone around the epicenter with a virus ♪
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new york governor andrew cuomo has deployed the national guard to help put the containment area in place around new rochelle, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. this is the first time in a state has taken such a measure. meanwhile, the cdc is urging anyone over the age of 60 as well as those with chronic, medical conditions to stock up on food and supplies and stay home. as the number of cases has grown from 700 across 36 states and the district of columbia. earlier today vice president pence spoke about the need to coordinate with insurance providers to make sure the elderly are taken care of. watch. speak with these companies are going to help us get information to seniors with underlying health conditions who really represent the most vulnerable population with serious outcomes. >> harris: jeff in los angeles with how covid-19 is affecting major events around the country. to have. speak with a list of events canceled as a result of the
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coronavirus outbreak keeps growing. an entire county here in california is issuing a ban on all large gatherings. officials in santa clara county announced the stoppage of any event with at least 1,000 people for the rest of the month. this will likely include three san jose sharks hockey games, the ncaa women's basketball tournament at stanford and one major league soccer game. the games technically could go on, but likely without fans or at a different location. the development comes after a woman in her 60s who had been hospitalized for several weeks died from the virus. at the moment, there are 33 known cases in santa clara county alone which clicked a major role in announcing the cancellation of those large events. >> i think over the last five days, the uptick in cases, particularly those we believe where we found no link to travel where other cases indicating community spread. that is a tipping point for us.
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and it is time to issue the order. >> harris: just announced, the ivy league said it is canceling postseason basketball game tournaments which are set to ben next week. elsewhere, boston and dublin, ireland, and out st. patrick's day parade will be counseled, jeopardy and wheel of fortune to take shows without a studio audience. the musical festival in austin, was postponed until next year. the band's pearl jam is postponing its first leg up upcoming tour. and that one of the biggest music festivals right here in california, which is in april could be in jeopardy of being canceled or postponed as well, harris. >> harris: jeff paul, thank you very much. a lot to get to and the breaking news, i will bring in dr. manny alvarez, fox news contributor. you join me for a special yesterday and a lot, dr. has already changed. there is some specifics that you
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want to share about that situation. >> listen, i think there is a lot of panic and a lot of misinformation happening all over the country right now creating a lot of confusion. the action by the governor of new york and perhaps become a very appropriate, because basically he's using the national guard to create a scenario where people have to listen about self quarantine if sick folks to put them in a special area perhaps and doesn't allow for other people to get sick. the government has to step in. i think the governor is doing the right thing to make sure those communities listen to the health advice of medical professionals and the containment is controlled. because i think at the end of the day, when you see all these pieces of information, cancellations this, cancellations, there is still a message of unknown which is how many people will get infected? we know the virus is infectious so if you have 100 people together, one has it and they if they go out in the public it will create exposure.
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so you have to have degree of control. i think the confusion right now is that we have all of these independent things happening at the same time. and people don't know, is this really going to be a huge problem? >> harris: so let's work on that. and i think it is helpful what you say, just your point of view about what the governor of new york is doing because some people may look and say that is pretty draconian. what they are doing in china. but then let's consider at least we have reports of people breaking quarantine. one guy went to a business conference. another person went to a school, his kids school event and he knew he shouldn't leave. so now you have to try to quarantine the quarantined, if you will. >> listen come if you remember the ebola outbreak and we were concerned about in africa, you had people that had to be self quarantined and they didn't do it. >> harris: that is these two cases. >> it scares the public. >> harris: that is new and a nuanced.
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expect to see this more. >> of course. you know, i think all states, all governors have to get together, okay, what are the venues we will cancel? what is the protocols? if you have pockets, the cdc and the federal government, this is sort of -- -- >> harris: pockets of flair. i'm writing that down. >> pockets of flair, that is exactly right. and if you're going to have public events, you have to create a scenario to screen people better. so if you are going to have a sports event or whatever it is, think of the number of people and how are you going to screen them? >> harris: add an event? >> you are doing that many companies now where visitors come in and ask you have you had any symptoms in the last 14 days? they ask you those questions. >> harris: i have two quick wins for you. the news today a new warning for 60 and older to stay home. >> i'm 60 and i'm not staying home.
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however, thank you, thank you. it is concerning because the cdc -- >> harris: you can stay home more. >> i'm not. but i think if i'm somebody over 60 and i have a chronic medical condition, now i do have to think about staying home. and that is going to impact my whole livelihood. >> harris: can you talk to me about what a chronic condition is? if you just had cancer treatment, chemo, we understand that. but other things diabetes, asthma, what do we need to be worried about? >> anybody that has pulmonary disease. copd, standing history of chronic bronchitis over the age of 60, cardiovascular problems like severe hypertension or you are taking meds for your hearts. all of those things are free medical condition, type 2 diabetes which is prevalent. a lot of people have type 2 diabetes but it's not controlled. they don't take their meds, they don't pay attention to the numbers. so those folks when they get sick -- and remember when you
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get the coronavirus, you get a cold, right? and it just weakens your body. and then you get stuff in your lungs. you get that junk. right. that junk is very difficult to get rid of. and then secondary bacteria gets into your lungs and you get pneumonia. so you can't breathe now. i know you were talking about breathing issues. so if your overall health is chronically bad and you get this bad cold, you might end up 5% of the time with pneumonia and then that pneumonia can kill you. >> harris: dr. manning, what you said, there is a lot we can be doing. >> i know. and every day, we will have different news. >> harris: i appreciate you being here on the set. >> thank you. >> harris: that dow jones up, mostly up 448 points in the grain. president trump expected to propose a payroll tax cut plan in a matter of hours and he's meeting right now with g.o.p. senators and will be on top of
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that. super tuesday kind of round 2, the total delicate count up for grabs in six states. today's primaries and one caucus do-or-die for bernie sanders? michigan democrats, debbie dingell ways and next on her states big ride. >> four years ago at this time, 25 points down. and we won! >> michigan, and counting on you in a big way! [cheers and applause] ♪ in credit card debt. sofi helped me pay off twenty-three thousand dollars of credit card debt. they helped me consolidate all of that into one low monthly payment. they make you feel like it's an honor for them to help you out. i went from sleepless nights to getting my money right. so thank you. ♪
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get 'em while they're hot. applebee's 25 cent boneless wings are back in your choice of three sauces. >> harris: well, it could be do-or-die for bernie sanders tonight as voters in six states had to the polls, including the battleground of michigan where 125 delegates are up for grabs. sanders beat hillary clinton there in a surprise upset in 2016. you may remember, however, tougher odds as joe biden continues to ride the wave of joe momentum from last super
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tuesday. here is sanders. >> you know, people are asking themselves, do i like bernie, do i like joe? who can beat trump? some republicans peered into my mind, to my mind, chris, this is really a no-brainer. >> harris: and biden said the stakes are high in michigan, not just today but in the general election too. >> i'm kind of superstitious. i see all these polls, you know, and i don't take anything for granted. and rest assured, you will be seeing if i get the nomination. you will see a lot of meat in flint and all across the state. because it is critically important. >> harris: michigan, congresswoman debbie dingell is cochair of the house democratic policy and communications committee and of course my mention michigan which is a key state and the sort of mini super tuesday. congresswoman, what do you think between bernie sanders and joe biden? who will take the state?
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>> first of all, i happen to agree with vice president joe biden that i don't trust any poll. four years ago, i felt the ground shipping. and i thought bernie would win primary day and everybody thought i was nuts and i was right. so having been home this weekend i think the senator bernie will win my district. but i think the people, the vice president came into michigan yesterday and you could feel the momentum, the ground shifting. so i don't know that it's going to be by the numbers that you see in some of these polls, but i think it is joe biden's to lose. and he is likely to pull it off. but you will see a competitive race in michigan today and in november. >> harris: all right. let's talk about what bernie sanders is doing right now. he is defending criticism of establishment democrats and i will get your reaction. watch. >> you call that establishment what his voters called democrats in african-americans. >> no, no, no, hold it, hold it!
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go ahead! may defy what i mean by establishment. don't do it for me. what i mean by establishment, there are 60 billionaires who are supporting his campaign. >> harris: what is your reaction to that? >> you know, somebody asked me if either camp to endorse him and i said i have two broken arms. you know, i'm focused on winning in november. i'm not focused that people, the shots that people are taking towards each other. i love both of these men and both of these men have critical issues to my district from the auto industry. joe biden and john tingle worked on so many issues together, but medicare for all, every american has a right to health care. >> harris: do you think that is where most of the voters are in your state? >> i think a lot of the union workers are afraid of what that means.
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>> harris: they will lose their health care that they have now. >> they will not lose their health care but there is more people talking about this that don't know all the issues or understand it. when this election is over we have to sit down and say, okay, we are competing in a global marketplace. we are competing with food or industrialized nations. >> harris: and what i said was to finish, not that they would lose their health care only but the health care that they have now that they like. and we saw that in the event of a sticking point for bernie sanders there as well with unions. moving on, joe biden to increase his delegate lead. "the washington post" headline pointing out that biden is delivering shorter speeches, which means less time for gab. but this morning, joe biden got heated with the voter overcomes, telling the man "full of blank." not to be such a horses -- using saltier language. >> we are all human. and we have seen that the president has had a lot, and i think he had a human moment.
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i have to tell you, i was married to a man, a former board member of the nra and felt strongly about the second amendment. i didn't agree with him on a lot of these issues. look, i have lived in a home where i father had a gun and almost killed my family. so i have seen the negative side and i've seen the good side. i think the vice president respects the right for people to own guns, but he also knows that people shouldn't have guns and working to protect the rights of those that should. and keep guns out of the hands that shouldn't. and it was a human moment that you saw today. >> harris: congresswoman dingell come if i haven't said recently, my heart goes out to you with the loss of your husband. >> i miss him a lot, right now, i miss him a whole lot. >> harris: i know you do. >> he had good twitters today. >> harris: all right, take care. >> take care. >> harris: a warning from a top political strategist as
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republicans investigate biden's ukraine talk. scorched earth on president trump's children. plus no let up in speaker pelosi's criticism of president trump. her claim that civilization as we know it is at stake in 2020. as she accuses the president of shredding the constitution. >> america is the constitution the genius of the separation of power and all of the bill of rights and all of that contained. and that is under siege. ♪ i love rakuten, it's basically free money. it's an easy way to earn cashback on the stuff i'm already buying. sometimes it's 3% sometimes it's 8% but you're always getting cashback. so it's like getting free money. go to and sign up today for a $10 bonus.
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♪ we won some strong and interesting words from nancy pelosi, the house speaker with this warning of a possible second term for the president. >> this election is a very important election, in my view, civilization as we know it is at stake.
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it is about everything. it is about america. speed when she went on to warrant the bill of rights is "under siege" and disloyalty to the constitution, her words. power panel slides in, jason, president trump's reelection campaign, hank, former consultant for the clinton campaign, great to see both of you gentlemen. harris: you know what i will start with nancy pelosi, really exposed financial of 2020? >> the presidency has been under control since before franklin roosevelt it is a democratic problem of the battle between the portions of government and legislature branch and executive branch have been remediated by the courts for a long time. that seems to be out of kilter right now from her perspective. it's not new. this is not a new problem. >> harris: well met, the imperial presidency for decades, jason? >> jason: i have a slightly different take on this. this is the speaker who
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basically shredded the state of the union in front of the world. i do know it was a powerful statement for democracy in the state we are in. this is a leader of a party that basically has not allowed the peaceful transition of power since 2016. they found the mueller investigation $1,000,000.02 years and they did the ukraine hoax, nothing to show for it. they have basically been trying to overturn 2016 election, nullifies 63 million voters. i think if they are not dealt a crushing blow in the november 2020 presidential election, the voters are not sending a clear message to this party. that it needs clear renovation. >> harris: all right, we will move on. top bloom -- advisor, if republicans continue to make hunter biden an issue, watch. >> if the republicans really want to make an issue by hunter biden of which is very low-hanging fruit that i don't think most democratic voters care about, there is going to be
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a scorched response aimed at all of the trump children that is unlike anything they have experienced thousand far in the media. >> harris: coming as the chair of the senate homeland security committee ron johnson ron johnson is accusing democrats of stalling a subpoena vote related to his probe of hunter biden's business dealings in ukraine, jason. >> jason: i actually thought this was kind of funny in the sense that i always thought the bloomberg advisors out of touch with the american people and where we are in a state of politics. but when you see something like this, we are talking about retaliation against the trump family. the trump family has been under attack by the presence before he was elected president. so some type of retaliation and the nature of the press coverage of hunter biden and don jr., and darren trump is ridiculous. it really needs to be dealt with. >> harris: what do you think, hank? >> hank: there is only one problem, the hunter biden is not the child of the president of the united states so that is a
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ridiculous argument. that caring on -- excuse me, he's not in the white house. the attack on biden for his son is one of the worst things i've seen. >> harris: but he was in the administration when his son is accused of having used the biden name to work for a company called burisma's. >> if that is the case we have to talk about the trump family. the business that ivanka has come of this attack on children is wrong on both sides of the aisle. >> jason: if donald trump was caught on tape and by the way joe biden was vice president. on that same tape saying if you don't fire the prosecutor, and getting on a plane. you are not getting $1 billion of aid, the coverage would be different. >> harris: gentlemen, thank you very much pier the dow jones higher now after some ups and downs. the president on capitol hill right now meeting with republican senators at a policy
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>> hello, everyone we are following developments outside of new york city. the national guard on his way to set up containment center as number of coronavirus cases continue to grow. we will have that plus bret baier weighs in as voters and half a dozen states head to the polls. it is tonight make or break for bernie sanders? i will ask his campaign that is coming up on "the daily briefing." >> harris: let's get right to it. the president right now on capitol hill meeting with senators talking about a possible plan for payroll tax cut in the face of economic troubles sparked by speeds gnomic covid-19 and security outside of that venue where he will come out. the dow jones is trading higher now. on word of that plan after earlier come as you saw ups and downs just today, but we have been in the rain for the most part and that is good appear this after yesterday's historic drop across the market. three major indices losing 7% in a single day amid the coronavirus fear is. and an oil going on, saudi and
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russia. "the new york times" editorial board is questioning whether payroll tax cut is what the country needs right now. the board writes "there is good reason to worry about the public health effects of encouraging people to go out and spend more money." joining me now that a man i like to talk about these things, fox business network. so there is the psychological part to put some money in your pocket that you control and we will spend less as a government, tax money. what other messaging is there that we need? >> i think there is a message and we are looking at a number of options, loans to small businesses. small businesses are the lifeblood of the economy, 70% powered by the consumer. this is important stuff. small businesses do the most tiring of people. so all of this comes together. i think paid sick leave is something we should be doing. i really do. >> harris: and by the way, that is bipartisan. >> it is, and it should be. payroll tax cut, yes, and for
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the person who lost that job because they will not get the benefit of that. i think the white house is split a little bit how to best help the economy. a lot of talk about helping the hardest hit, the cruise lines. >> what you think about subsidizing? >> it is not bailing them out. they didn't do anything wrong. they are at the victim -- >> harris: q know i cover the neural virus and was flying in and out of florida to do that as these correspond to end. areas of concern how they handled it. how they handled it but also the environment, and may be taking a different look at that, i don't know. >> may be. long before the coronavirus. >> harris: oh, my goodness, yes. so let's talk about what the president plans to say today, not every republican is behind this, senator kennedy from
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louisiana, john kennedy is sagging, you know, we don't need stimulus. is that purely what this is? >> the concern is just adding more to the national deficit. >> harris: are they right? >> i think larry kudlow, steve mnuchin the treasury secretary and the economic advisor to the president believe perhaps a more targeted approach really give it to the people who needed to. >> harris: and what would that look like? >> it could be a tax cut for certain industries, as we mentioned, the airlines and the cruise lines. >> harris: what about people? >> paid sick leave is a big one i think. payroll tax cut is good. it does put more money in your pocket. "the new york times" editorial made the point where you are giving people more money but telling them, should you go out and spend it and be out in the population? >> harris: yeah, that is also a question. is amazon going to see the benefits of the payroll tax cuts or should people order online? >> netflix. >> harris: but seriously, if if
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you are going to try to shop without breaking the threshold of your front door, that means online services are going to do well. speak with a costco's and the walmarts of the world actually fared in a volatile market and e done well. >> harris: really quickly are you watching for any particular sector to get hit outside of transportation? >> it is interesting. you know who is absolutely shellacked, the banks. the banks getting less money back on their loans. and also the exposure to the loan sector. how many loans with regard to the oil sector that cannot handle $35, $20-barrel of oil? we will see layoffs because of that if it stays like this. >> harris: all right, we we know going into this which no one could have seen coming. we were so healthy economically in terms of jobs. so is it a bounce back feature? >> i'm glad you said that. it is a good question because i think even if there is a
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recession. the recession is defined as two quarters in a row with negative domestic product. we are not close to that. but what we do as a result of the virus, it will be mild recession, and we will bounce back quickly. because the underlying foundation of the u.s. economy right now is the strongest in the world. >> harris: actually, webster, i'm glad you dropped income i think you. >> thank you for the invite. >> harris: hillary clinton taking aim at 2020 rifle, he is not the best candidate to take sanders is hitting back. ♪ and a "take care of your employees" company. we're a "help you ride the ups and downs of the market" company. and when it's time to retire, we're a "we've been guiding you toward this all along" company. think of us as all these companies, and more. principal. retirement. investments. insurance.
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hi.aria ramirez? mcdonald's is committing 150 million dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs... maria ramirez. to help more employees achieve their dreams. >> harris: bernie sanders, last night's fox news town hall firing back at hillary clinton after she said, and "no one likes him." >> i like secretary clinton but i don't want to relive 2016 in 2020. but what i would say on a good day, my wife likes me. in most cases might turn out to
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be the most popular united states senator and the whole country. >> harris: he was shaking his head and not in a good way. she has not endorsed a candidate yet the secretary of state double down and does not believe sanders is the strongest nominee to beat trump in november. former new hampshire governor johnson says there is a bigger purpose behind what hillary clinton is doing. >> i think there is a slight variation to that. i think she is actually angling to be the vice presidential nominee, hoping that the party will understand that if biden is the nominee, they have to have a backup that the public has confidence. >> harris: all right, we understand that president trump is leaving capitol hill right now. let's watch. >> tremendous unity in the republican party, and we are working on a lot of things, the virus that is working out smoothly. and tremendous task force. they've done a great job, not a
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good job, a great job. as you know, about 600 cases come about within our country. and had we not acted importantly that number would be substantially more. and we just had a stimulus and you will be hearing about it soon, but it was a great meeting. this great unity was within the republican party. >> [inaudible] >> president trump: it was with the republican senators. and we are just about all there, mostly all there. and the great deal about doing a lot of things and that is one of the things we talked about. a lot of them are things that you wanted to get for other things. and we are looking at other people. we are look at solving this
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problem. some very good numbers coming out of some countries where it started earlier. we are seeing some fairly good numbers come out of those countries. that is a good thing, including china. and they have released numbers. we have gotten some numbers from china that looked pretty promising. so we will be able to further report this. >> [inaudible] >> president trump: i don't think it is a big deal. i don't feel any reason, i feel extremely good. i feel very good, but i guess it's not a big deal to get tested. it is something i would do, but again, i spoke to the white house doctor, terrific guy, talented guy. he said there is no reason to do with it. there is no symptoms, no anything. if there were, you people would be the first to know it. you would may be even tell me about it, yes. >> [inaudible]
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>> i believe every contingency that you could possibly imagine. many contingencies. a lot of positive, all different numbers, very large numbers. and by the way, but right now, 26 deaths and if you look at the flu for this year, we are at 8,000 deaths. and you know, hundreds of thousands of cases, 8,000 versus 26 deaths at this time and with all of that said, taking this very seriously and a really good job, and the task force headed up by the vice president has been fantastic. >> president trump: i think the u.s. has done a very good job on testing. we've had to change things that were done, that were nobody's fault, and perhaps they wanted
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to do something a different way but it was a much slower process from previous administration. we did change them, we made the changes in the testing has gone very well. when people need a test, they can get a test. when the professionals need to test more people they can get the tests. the biggest thing is stopping the inflow of people early on. and that was weeks ahead of what other people would have done. most people wouldn't have done it even until now and that has made a big difference. >> argue thinking -- >> president trump: i think the people are doing a fantastic job. in fact just today, governor gavin newsom in california such tremendous, an article just came out and, i showed it to the


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